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I previously planned to have the player running statically while the scenery moves but I decided to have the player actually running through the scene while the camera follows. I did this by using the GetComponent method in void Start in a script which I attached to the main camera, then copy and pasted this code into the PlayerController script in the void Update section. I will have tiles spawning ahead as the player runs. 

Screenshot of my game in Unity3D.

I laid out the obstacles which will spawn along with the tiles. The layout will be the same but as the game's speed begins to increase so will the difficulty. I added seeds which will equal to one point and sugar cubes which will equal to 5 points. I was reminded of the sugar cube in The Secret World Of Arrietty from a comment on a previous project post so I decided to add it as a reward. 

Screenshot of my game in Unity3D.

I'm having an issue where the player falls over when collecting a reward. I'm also only able to jump once and it's not very high even when I adjust the jump force and gravity. If anyone can help me fix this, it would be very much appreciated. It's probably difficult to read but here's a screenshot of my PlayerController script;

Screenshot of my PlayerController script.


  1. Hey Nadine,
    I just finished reading your blog post there and I can say it was a good read. I think your game is looking pretty great and I like how you use elements of the source material of your game that being the sugar cubes that's actually a cool idea that there like a boost. I am not sure how to fix the issues your having honestly I had similar and they are some of the issues that have continued in the development of my game. I wish I could have been of more help to you in your game development, hopefully someone else will come along to help you out on it.

  2. Hi Nadine, I just had a read through your Beta Blog. I think your game looks really well!! Well Done. Sorry to hear you have had an issue with one part, I had a look through the script and I can't seem to see what could be the problem :( Hopefully someone who reads your blog can help! Have you considered adding music to your game? I had never thought of using music until someone commented on my blog and I thought it would add to the feel of my game. I wish you my luck with completing your game and I look forward to seeing the final product. - Aoibhe

  3. Hi Nadine, your game looks really good and I really like some of the features you have added. Regarding what you have said about not being able to jump any higher, I’m not too sure on how to fix that, possibly add a public float jump force and set the force, but again I’m not too sure. There is always the option of finding and adding a new script and going with that but of course that’s not what you want to be doing at this stage. Anyways, your game looks great and good luck with that problem I hope you get it sorted.

  4. Hey Nadine,
    Your game is looking really good so far both aesthetically and design wise. I like that you made the movement more dynamic by have the player move through the scene while simultaneously spawning new sections. If the player is falling over when collecting rewards have you considered checking the collision or trigger code for the reward to see if it's causing the issue? It may be a bit too late in the process for a suggestion like this but have you considered adding more difficult obstacles or enemies as the game progresses or after certain intervals of time?


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