In this week's Unity tutorials, I began making an endless side-scrolling runner game. The first set of tutorials showed me how to make the player jump by pressing the space bar as well as adjust the character's mass, jump force and the scene's gravity. I added an if-statement to the PlayerController script to prevent the player from double jumping. I learned how to make the background and obstacles move left towards the player as well as set the speed in which they move. I reapplied what I learned about making obstacles spawn from previous tutorials.
In the second set of tutorials, I learned how to make the background repeat so it does not disappear along with the obstacles. I also learned how to make the background stop and have a "game over" message when the player comes into contact with an obstacle. I learned how to stop the obstacles from spawning after the player hits an obstacle. I edited the MoveLeft script so the obstacles would be destroyed once they are off the player's screen.
The third few tutorials introduced me to the player's animation controller which include different states and transitions. I edited the animation controller to allow the character to run in a static position. I added a jumping animation so the player is not running when in the air. I learned how to make the player fall over when they collide with an obstacle and how to prevent them from being able to jump when unconscious.
This week's tutorials were easy to follow. I found the animations interesting and they made the game look more realistic. Some of the skills I learned in these tutorials can be applied to my own project because I will be making an infinite runner game.
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