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Runner animation by Otilija MorozaitÄ— from Dribbble.

Following last week's game brainstorm, I have decided to focus on and develop my idea of creating an infinite runner game and will be thinking about three game mechanics I will include. I will be drawing inspiration from the Ghibli Studios film, "The Secret World of Arrietty" for the theme of my game. 

Obstacles are implemented within games to create a challenge for the player and to make it more difficult for them to win or in the case of infinite runner games, prevent them from playing forever and becoming tremendously bored. For my game idea, I plan to scatter stones along the lanes that the player must jump over or switch lanes to avoid. There will also be twigs falling from the trees which will create shadows before hitting the ground so the player is aware and can attempt to avoid them. A feature will be applied that allows the player to move left and right.

Rewards will be available to the player throughout the game. Points will be presented in the form of flower seeds which will be placed along the player's trail and can be collected by running into them. I also plan to include glowing seeds that will give the players more than the usual point balance. As the player continues to run, there will be occasions where a special item is available. This special item will be a leaf which acts as an umbrella. When the player collects this item, it will allow them to fly for a limited period of time while effortlessly avoiding any obstacles and collect seeds in the air. As stated in the blog post titled "Video Game Psychology: Addiction vs. Achievement", rewards within a game provide positive reinforcement for the players and therefore, give them motivation to continue playing.

The speed of infinite runner games tend to gradually increase as the game progresses. This is a feature that I will also be applying to my game. Along with the obstacles that the player must face, it will become more difficult for them as the speed also begins to increase which will test their responsive skills. The collection of seed points will push the player to collect as many as possible before approaching their inevitable demise.

This article outlines a tutorial on how to make a basic infinite runner game in Unity. 


  1. Hi Nadine. it's Aoibhe. I have just read through your game idea research blog. It looks like you have your idea all planned out and have put a lot of thought into it. I love the idea that you will be creating an infinite running game. Sounds like such fun. i wish you the best of luck with your project & with the rest of the semester too! - Aoibhe

  2. Hey Nadine I really like your infinite runner game I was thinking of incorporating something similar to a puzzle game im making but it wouldn’t be infinite and would be at the end of a level. IT,s good that you have a theme and inspiration for your game you can make the style look really artsy and really show off you art skills . I wonder is the leaf going to be the only power up there will be in the game I know you talked about subway surfers and the game has many powers e.g. you can jump higher or you can fly through a portion of the level e.t.c. I hope you can make more than one it would really spice up the gameplay and would allow peopel to use different strategies. What if you came up with some of your own power ups in the game that are different from subway surfers this would really distinguish your game and put it into its own you could make negatives in the game like if you run into one you lose some visibility for a few seconds. This would make the game more challenging and would make it more rewarding to get further.

  3. Hi Nad! Very cool to draw inspiration from Ghibli Studios, their work has always been fantastic. That was a very wow moment for me as I believe studio Ghibli movies have so much to offer in terms of design. I find the addition of the twigs as obstacles very cool as it relates back to the movie. What if you had to collect sugar cubes and small items like that as that was also something that the movie had going for it. However if you're planning on making something that is only loosely based on the movie than that is also pretty cool too. Would you perhaps consider making there an end goal or is the game going to be high score focused? I think that having an endless runner is pretty cool but would you be thinking about adding a high score feature to give the players a more fixed goal? All in all I love the concept as it sounds very pleasant to play and I think you did well in this idea's research.

  4. Hi Nadine,
    How are you? Just finished reading your game idea post. I think it is a good game idea, I like the idea of an infinite runner game. I get great amusement out of playing games like Temple Run and Subway Surfer so I think your game would be the same! It is clear you have put research into your game and thought about different game elements like power ups and other reward systems. I'm really excited to play this game! Best of luck with it!

  5. Hi Nadine! I really like your game idea and I like how the theme is similar throughout it such as the obstacles being rocks and twigs and the rewards being flower seeds, I like how you got inspired by the secret world of arrietty and I can't wait to see how it will turn out like. Have you tried to implement any moving obstacles? I feel like that would be a good idea so the player will be more focused on the game which is a plus. One suggestion would be to make the twigs, rocks and flower seeds different colours and shades as the movie you got inspired by has amazing and colourful visuals. I love your idea and I hope it isn't too hard to make. I know I'm a bit stressed out myself making my prototype. - Anna Zurawska

  6. Hi Nadine! I really like your game idea and I like how the theme is similar throughout it such as the obstacles being rocks and twigs and the rewards being flower seeds, I like how you got inspired by the secret world of arrietty and I can't wait to see how it will turn out like. Have you tried to implement any moving obstacles? I feel like that would be a good idea so the player will be more focused on the game which is a plus. One suggestion would be to make the twigs, rocks and flower seeds different colours and shades as the movie you got inspired by has amazing and colourful visuals. I love your idea and I hope it isn't too hard to make. I know I'm a bit stressed out myself making my prototype. - Anna Zurawska

  7. Hi Nadineeeeee~ I am so happy I decided to check your project idea blog post because I love Ghibli movies and I have watched "The Secret Life of Arriety" before! It is really a good movie and I think that using it as an inspiration idea for your game project would really suits the whole game! I also like how your blog is so straight to the point which really helped me to understand what you are trying to show us. The way you explained the basic information like what game features you will use, the rewards such as the flower seeds (which I think is really cute! <3). By also adding a special items during the gameplay would really keep the players more interested in your game. I also notice how you linked what you've learned from our previous readings to your game which is a really good idea.

    I am really interested how did you decided to pick the movie as your main idea for the game? Are you also going to use Arriety as the main player of the game?

    Before I would give a suggestion, I am not sure if you remember the sugar cube in the movie. I think adding it as one of the special items would be a good idea because the sugar cube was one of the important things in the movie. Hopefully my comment will help you improve your game and I hope you will be able to do everything you want to put in your game without any problem~

    Goodluck and I mish youuuu hahah <3

  8. Hi Nadine,
    I really like your game idea. The theme of the game is a brilliant idea and having seeds as rewards is different and I like that.
    I was wondering if you are going to have any other obstacles other than the scattered stones. Such as, trees falling down and so on.
    I really like the idea of the rewards. Have you thought of using the rewards for anything? Things like a boost at the beginning or different characters to play with.

    The feedback technique I have chosen is WWW.
    I hope this helped. Keep it up! You're doing great and I can't wait to see your progress in making this game, Denis.

  9. Heya Nadine
    Its Cian here. I really enjoyed just reading your blog right there. It sounds like a very cool game idea. I love the game idea of an infinite runner. One of my favourite games is like it. That would be Temple Run of course. I also like that game idea because its fast paced and that game idea would be so addictive. I was wondering will there only be one map or will be others like castles or futuristic cities. I was also wondering would the character chased by an enemy like in Temple Run. Will there be other powers up. But all in all I really can't wait to hear how your game turns out. I can't wait to read more of your blogs.
    - Cian


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